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In Oriental Medicine, headache refers to pain in the head, and it can be caused by exogenous factors or by internal disorders. Exogenous factors causing headache are chiefly wind, usually accompanied with cold, heat and dampness; internal disorders include emotional stress, improper diet, postpartum, and blood loss. Its location is the head, in oriental medicine, headache is associated with spleen, liver, and kidney. Wind, fire, phlegm, blood stagnation and deficiency are major pathogenic factors, and its parthenogenesis is obstruction of meridians and failure of yang to ascend.

In Western Medicine, headache is related to migraine, cluster headache, and chronic paroxysmal migraine.

Treatment based on syndrome differentiation:

-Wind-cold Headache -> tx: eliminate wind and disperse cold; Formula: Chuanxiong Chatiao San (Chuanxiong, Qianghuo, Jingjie, Baizhi, Manjingzi, Xixin, Gaoben)

-Wind-heat Headache -> tx: to eliminate wind and clear away heat; Formula: Xiong Zhi Shigao Tang (Sangye, Juhua, Baijili , Chuanxiong, Baizhi, Manjingzi, Shigao, Zhizi, Huangqin)

-Wind-dampness Headache -> tx: to expel wind and eliminate dampness; Formula: Qianghuo Shengshi Tang (Qianghuo, Duhuo, Chuanxiong, Fangfeng, Manjingzi, Gaoben)

-Headache due to Hyperactivity of Liver Yang -> tx: to calm the liver and suppress hyperactivity of liver yang; Formula: Tianma Gouteng Yin (Tianma, Gouteng, Shijueming, Cishi, Huangqin, Juhua, Sangye)

-Headache due to Kidney Deficiency -> tx: to replenish yin and nourish the kidney; Formula: Da Buyuan Jian (Shudihuang, Shanzhuyu, Shanyao, Gouqizi, Dangshen, Danggui, Duzhong)

-Headache due to Deficiency of Qi and Blood -> tx: t replenish qi and nourish blood; Formula: Bazhen Tang (Dangshen, Shanyao, Fuling, Baizhu, Baishaoyao, Danggui, Chuanxiong, Shudihuang)

-Headache due to Retention of Phlegm -> tx: to invigorate the spleen, resovle phlegm to make the adverse-rising qi descend and relieve headache; Formula: Banxia Baizhu Tianma Tang (Zhibanxia, Baizhu, Tianma, Fuling, Chen pi, Shengjiang)

-Headache due to Blood Stasis -> tx: to dredge the orifices, activate the meridians and resolve blood stasis; Formula: Tongqiao Huoxue Tang (Baizhi, Congbai, Taoren, Honghua, Chuanxiong, Chishaoyao, Shengjiang)



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